Endorsements for Dr. Bob
Endorsements for Dr. Bob:
Bernard Greene, Chair, Select Board
David Pearlman, Select Board
Michael Sandman, Select Board
John VanScoyoc, Select Board
Paul Warren, Select Board
Sandy Gadsby, Long time TM Moderator
Ken Goldstein, Former Select Board
Marty Rosenthal, Former Select Board, TMM 9
Zvi A. Sesling, Former Select Board
Steven Ehrenberg, School Committee
Jesse Hefter, School Committee, TMM 14
Sarah Moghtader, School Committee, TMM 1
Mariah Nobrega, School Committee
Carolyn Thall, School Committee, TMM 16
Nancy Heller, former School Committee Chair; former Select Board Chair
John Hodgman, former School Committee; Founder of the Brookline Education Foundation and Brookline High 21st Century fund
Ruth Kaplan, former School Committee
Pam Lodish, Former School Committee
Nancy Rhei-Gorer, former School Committee

Tom Cavanagh, Former Principal, Baker School
John Dempsey, Former Principal Ruffin Ridley (formerly Devotion) School
C. James Smith, Former Principal, Lawrence School
Dr. Pipier Smith-Mumford , Former Principal, Pierce School
Doug Spicer, Former Principal, Hayes (formerly Heath) School
Mark Springer, Former Principal, Solomon Schechter; former Vice Principal, Pierce School
Marty Sleeper, Former Principal, Runkle School
Michael Dukakis, Former Massachusetts Governor; BHS Alum; Presidential Candidate in 1988
Dr. Michael Sandel, internationally recognized political philosopher and professor of government at Harvard University
Dr. David Chard, former President of Wheelock College and Dean, BU Wheelock
Jon Saphier, Founder, Research for Better Teaching
Nik Walker, BHS Alum and star of Broadway musical theatre, including the role of Aaron Burr in Hamilton
Grace Kelly, BHS alum and award-winning international jazz star
Paul Epstein, BHS alum, BHS Social Worker and Founder, Brookline Teen Center
Theo Epstein, BHS alum, Major League Baseball Executive
Dan O’Leary, former Brookline Police Chief
Hsiu-Lan Chang, Brookline Asian American activist
Marcy Kornreich, President, Brookline Alumni/ae Association
Dr. Adrian Mims, former BHS Dean of Students and Founder/CEO of the National Calculus Project
James Cornell Cradle, former BHS history teacher, Dean, and winner of the Ernest Caverly Award*
Toni Cradle, former BHS guidance counselor and winner of the Ernest Caverly Award*
Jon Sills, former Superintendent, Bedford Public Schools; former BHS Social Studies Chair
Abby Erdmann, former BHS SWS English teacher, winner of Ernest Caverly Award*
Mary Burchenal, former BHS English Department Chair, winner of Ernest Caverly Award*
Dan Bresman, Coordinator of BHS School Within a School (SWS) and winner of the Robert Sperber Award**
Agnes Alberola, former BHS World Language Chair and nominee for Robert Sperber Award**
Gary Shiffman, TMM 9; Former BHS Curriculum Coordinator
Dr. Keith Lezama, BHS alum and vice-president of Emmanuel College
Dr. Ramon Gonzalez, Award-winning school principal and professor of Educational Leadership at Boston University
Dr. James Marini, former Superintendent, Winchester Public Schools; former Interim Superintendent, Brookline Public Schools
*The Ernest Caverly Award, named after the longest serving superintendent of schools in Brookline, is awarded each year to one high school teacher/counselor and one elementary teacher/counselor as the most outstanding educator of the year.
**The Robert Sperber Award, named after Dr. Robert Sperber, long serving and innovative superintendent of schools, is given every five years to the outstanding administrator in the system. (I won the award in 2008)
Maya Abramson, Brookine parent of a BHS student
Melanee Alexander
Bree Allen
Catherine Anderson , TMM 6
William Anderson
John Bassett, TMM 6
Carla Benka, TMM 14
Jen Berkley, BHS Alum; U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development
Lauren Bernard, Brookline Parents Organization, co-director
Devorah Bitran
Stephanie Bruce, TMM 12
Catherine Burke, BHS parent
Tim Carey, Teacher and school leader, Nobles and Greenough School
Rhonda Cherry
Augusto Cipollone
Ann Coles, Former BHS Scholarship Chair at Brookline Community Foundation
Susan Dechter
Irina Denishenko, BHS parent
Emily Dolbear, TMM 12
Leslie Epstein, Professor of English at Boston University
Sarah Ericsson
Amy Evenson, TMM 1
Dr. Dominique Ferdinand , Vice-Principal, Lawrence School
Andrew Fischer, TMM 13
Shira Fischer, TMM 11
Michele Fishel
John Freeman, TMM 13
Jane Flanagan, TMM 15
Richard Fredkin, TMM 14; Technology Entrepreneur
David Fulton
Nancy Fulton
Beth Gilligan, Driscoll PTO Co-Chair
Jane Gilman
Carol Gladstone
Carey Goldberg, International Journalist
Stan Goldberg, BHS Alumni/ae Assoc Treasurer
Dominique Gonyer
Neil Gordon , TMM 1; Advisory Committee; Constable
Philip Gray
Nadia Gurvich
Deb Hatzieleftheriadis, Fmr Brookline Police Department, Brookline Constable
Paul Harris, TMM 9
Fran Hoy, TMM 13
Barr Jozwicki
Joyce Jozwicki
Janice Kahn, TMM 15; Advisory Committee; Fmr Chair, Public Safety Subcommittee
Benjamin Kelley, Brookline Parents Organization, co-director
Evan M. Klein, BHS Class of 2015; Member, Brookline Chamber of Commerce
Shoshanna Kostant, Brookline High School teacher
Marcy Kornreich, BHS Alumni/ae Assoc President
Fran Kuehn, former Brookline High School social worker
Karen Kuskin-Smith, Fmr Guidance Director, BHS
Esther Landesman
Robert Lande
Rabbi Karen Landy
Liz Linder, TMM 4
Kevin Mackenzie, Commission for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Community Relations Chair
Sandy McCleary, Social Worker
Kelli McDermott, Secretary for the Head of School BHS
David Meshoulam, BHS Alum; Founder and CEO Speak for the Trees
David Meyers, Public Schools of Brookline graduate, Education Entrepreneur
Marcie Simon Miller, BHS Social Studies Teacher
Joslin Murphy, TMM 16; Advisory Committee
Rich Nangle, TMM 15
Donelle O’Neal, Sr., TMM 4; Advisory Committee
Tanya Paris, Pierce K teacher
Mindy Paulo, Director of English Language Learning, Public Schools of Brookline
Vena Priestly, TMM 4; Local Real Estate Entrepreneur
Debbie Quitt, Fmr Social Studies Chair, BHS
Annie Reed
A. Reis, Resident 25+ years, Parent
Carlos Ridruejo
Lynda Roseman, TMM 14; Fmr Chair, Brookline Police Commissioners Advisory Committee
Jeff Rudolph, TMM 6, BHS PTO
Michelle Sagi
Dan Saltzman, TMM 6
Lisa Sears, TMM 4
Mary Scott, School Administrator
Arthur Segel, BHS Alum, Harvard Business School Professor
Marisa Segel, Runkle Parent
Frances Shedd-Fisher
Harold M. Simansky, TMM 9
Mark Springer
Richard Thaler, BHS Alum, Morehouse College Trustee
Gretchen Tucker Underwood , Fmr Dean of Students, BHS
Deanne Urmy, Former BHS PTO
Laura Walters, Former TMM 3; former PTO President, Lawrence School
Barry Weisman
Korey Rufus Whitfield, Former Brookline student, resident and educator
Susan Wishinsky
Jeff Young, Fmr Supt of Schools iin Lexington, Newton, and Cambridge
Sassan Zelkha, TMM 14 Library Trustee
Dmitriy Zubov
Irina Zubov